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Snowy weather in Ardabil makes traffic difficult

“Snowfall in Ardabil has hampered traffic on mountainous and narrow roads.”

The statement came from Kalimulla Vusugi, head of the Ardabil Province Road Transport and Road Control Department. He urged people to refrain from traveling when it is not necessary. Ardabil-Astara, Ardabil-Sarcham, Ardabil-Khiyav, Ardabil-Germi, Germi-Bilasuvar, Bilasuvar-Pasrabad, Parsabad-Aslanduz, Aslanduz-Kaleibar, Khiyav-Parsabad, Khiyav-Ahar, Khalkhal-Asalim and Nir-Sarab roads announced that.

Vusugi stressed the need for citizens wishing to travel to the mountains to take a security deposit. Otherwise, the traffic police will not allow the movement of vehicles without wheel chains and winter supplies. According to the report, the roads leading to Khalkhal-Pune in Gilan were closed for security reasons.

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