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The flood disaster caused many injuries in Azerbaijan

Heavy rains in recent days have caused floods in 5 cities of East Azerbaijan, as well as in the West Azerbaijan region.

According to the Crisis Department of the East Azerbaijan Master, floods occurred in Shabistar, Marand, Ajabsher, Charoymag and Maragha. Mohammad Baqir Hunarmand The necessary warnings were given before the flood disaster due to the onset of heavy rains. According to reports, Pirbala and Seyyidlu villages of Maran and Marand-Khoy road were damaged by floods. According to the ISNA News Agency, the flood also caused material injuries in Shadiyan settlement of Charoymag district.
The villages of Kahlan, Garabulagi, Shalilvand, Kahjug and Muganjig in Maragha were also among the injured.

Ajabsher’s villages of Hargalan, Gozelja and Yaychi were also affected by the flood.
According to the director of the Crisis Department of the East Azerbaijan Master, the flood damaged most of the agriculture, roads, water and wastewater networks and did not cause any damage.
The previous day’s heavy rains caused a flood in Kuhsar part of Salmas district.
According to Ramin Abdullahi, the owner of Kuhsaran, the rain of the last two days caused the flood. According to the Persian News Agency, floods occurred in Ykhari and Agashi Gelerash villages, Heshtirik and Gerikan villages.
According to the report, the flood entered 17 houses in the villages of Hestirik and Gerikan, causing material damage.

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