Middle eastPolitics

Release Detained Ahwazi political leaders, activists in Denmark, the Netherlands

Alliance of human rights organizations to support the Arab people of Ahwaz expresses its grave concern regarding the arrest of four leaders of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz in Denmark and the Netherlands last Monda


Alliance of human rights organizations to support the Arab people of Ahwaz expresses its grave concern regarding the arrest of four leaders of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz in Denmark and the Netherlands last Monday.

The alliance calls on the authorities in Denmark and the Netherlands to respect the rights of the Ahwazi people as it struggles peacefully to obtain its legal and human rights in accordance with the international laws and norms, which expressly provide for respecting the struggle of oppressed and occupied peoples seeking to obtain the right to self-determination.

The alliance reiterates the high and advanced position of both countries when it comes to their distinguished record on the humanitarian issues through respecting and implementing the human rights principles agreed upon internationally.

Those two countries have hosted thousands of Ahwazi refugees on their soil.

But the alliance calls on the two countries not to allow Iran to exercise pressure to stop the activities of the non-Persian peoples, including the Ahwazis, in Europe and not to accept its conditions with any country of the European Union as a precondition for economic or political cooperation or even when it comes to the nuclear deal, which is controversial and threatens international peace and security.

The alliance also points out that the indulgence towards the continued bullying by the Iranian authorities will enable them to continue to repress peoples and violate their human rights within its borders and will impact the human rights record of the countries which accept the conditions set by Iran.

We would like to remind you that the city of Den Haag in November 2017 witnessed the assassination of Ahmed Mola Niesi, one of the leaders of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz in front of his home.

The Dutch authorities revealed that Iranian intelligence is involved in the terrorist operation.

Several staffers at the Iranian embassy were expelled in the aftermath of this terrorist action.

Denmark and Sweden witnessed in October 2018 an attempted assassination against four of the leaders of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz.

The operation failed after being exposed by the security apparatuses in Sweden and Denmark.

It has become clear later on that the Iranian embassy in Berlin and some staffers in the Iranian embassy in Norway were involved in the terror attack.

The alliance calls on the Human Rights Council, Amnesty International, and EU countries to protect the Ahwazi refugees residing on the European territories and respect their political activism aimed to publicize their just and human cause and expose the Iranian crimes committed with total impunity and fearlessness.

The alliance also calls on Denmark and the Netherlands to release the detainees immediately in harmony with these countries’ respect for international principles and norms on human rights, which are the base for governance there.

A press statement released by the alliance of human rights organizations to support the Arab people of Ahwaz:

World Message Organization for Human Rights (W.M.O.H.R)
Arabic center for justice Uk-London
Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (B.H.R.W.S)
The Arab Bridge Center for Human Rights (A.B.C.H.R)
The Lebanese Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (LIEF)
Arab Information Portal for Human Rights (A.I.P.H.R)
The Syrian Observatory for Documenting the War Crime (S.O.D.W.C)
The Arab Observatory for Rights and Freedoms Unions (A.O.R.F.U)
Yemeni Coalition for Human Rights (Y.C.H.R)
The Alahwazi Organization for Human Rights (A.O.H.R)
European Ahwazi Human Rights Organisation (E.A.H.R)
Ahwazi Observatory For Human Rights (A.O.H.R)
The Ahwazi Organization for Defense of Human Rights (A.O.D.H.R)

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