Four Azerbaijani activists who took part in a ceremony for the International Mother Language Day in Iran were arrested and condemned to very long term confinements and exile years ago in a court in Tehran again are summoned by the court to reconsider their verdict. Their names are Mr. Alireza Farshi Yekanli, Mr. Akbar Azad, Mr. Behnam Sheykhi, Mr. Hamid Manafi Nadarli.
According to article 15 in Iranian legislation mother language education in schools are accepted along with Farsi. However, Iranian government looks at any cultural activities related to Azerbaijani Turkic as an unforgivable threat to their “national security”!!! The unreasonable and illogical verdicts against all Azerbaijani activists are the obvious sign of the fact that the Farsi-speaking minority in Iran is not tolerant and will never accept other nations’ identity. Azerbaijani and Arab activists have always tried to block the ethnic conflict in Iran by their civil and peaceful activities
But unfortunately, the temporarily dominant Farsi-speaking minority is completely deaf and blind to these goodwill people.
Therefore, the verdicts against the Azerbaijani activists are always heavy and extremely unreasonable. The question is: If the existence of more than forty million Turks, three million Baluchis, and five million Arabs is such an extremely horrible threat to their national security, then why don’t they make themselves rid of those nations? Why don’t the Farsi-speaking minority in Iran let other majorities to determine their own destiny? By these chauvinist behavior and attitude toward other nations in Iran, the Farsi-speaking minority is paving way to ethnic conflict and bloodshed in the region. And this is what the conscious world should do some serious measures to stop this bloodshed.
The repression against non-Farsi nations in Iran is injustice against humanity and it is threatening the whole humanity.
So let’s stop racism in Iran and the whole world.
Let’s stand up for human rights in Iran and the whole world.