Health and life

The depth of Lake Urmu has increased by 35 centimeters

Isa Kalantari

As the chairman of the National Working Group on the Revival of Lake Urmu, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Isa Kalantari, said:

“The depth of Lake Urmu has increased to 35 centimeters, according to the last diameter or depth measurements from the bottom of the lake.”

Jesus Kalantari also said while looking at Lake Urmu:

“Lake Urmia was almost dry four years ago, but now, despite the driest season of the year, the lake has 4.3 billion cubic meters of water. This is due to the fact that the autumn rains have not yet reached the lake, and only due to the fact that the water from the savings in the field is transferred to the lake.

Kalantari continued:

“All the construction work to be done by the Lake Urmia Revival Committee will be completed this year, but the Lake Revival programs must continue to be properly protected until 1406.”

Touching upon the need to protect Lake Urmu without interruption, Isa Kalantari said, “The real owner of the lake is nature. The duties of the Ehya Sitada will be transferred to the Center for the Study of the Future in Murdad next year, and this center will be independent and will have its own scientific and executive staff and guardians.

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