Health and life

Flamingos stuck in the salt flats were rescued

Lake Urmu

Six flamingos stuck in the salt marshes of the western shores of Lake Urmu in western Azerbaijan have been rescued and released into the wild by activists.

It should be noted that there were 102 islands in Lake Urmu, located in the territory of Western Azerbaijan in South Azerbaijan. In addition to flamingos, the region is home to a variety of birds such as the white pelican, the Black-eyed Swallow, the Golden Eagle or the Black-tailed Godwit, the Egyptian carp or partridge, the white-headed duck, the white-tailed duck, the marble squirrel or the duck, and the mammal, the wolf, the fox, the jackal, the ram is the place.

Lake Urmu was renamed the National Park in 1346 and placed under the control of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. UNESCO has also included this national park in the list of 10 national parks on Earth. It has also been recognized by UNESCO as one of the 59 International Habitats of the Earth.

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