
Member of the Presidium of the Assembly: It is unknown how long the price increase will last

Nasir Mousavi Largani

Member of the Presidium of the Assembly of the Islamic Council Seyid Nasir Mousavi Largani said:

“In the current situation, rising prices and inflation are out of control, and this has led to the shrinking of the people’s table,” he said. Unfortunately, it is unknown how long the price increase will last.

According to him, in recent months, a number of government officials have seen the reason for the rise in prices in the failure to elect the Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade. Now they have to answer why prices have continued to rise despite the election of a minister in the past month. In the current situation, we see that the price of a kilo of yogurt has risen by 3,000 tumens.

He added: “In the last few months, the wealth mafia has set up a special trick and plan to raise the prices of livestock and agricultural products, which has affected the final price of dairy products.”

“In order to increase the price of imported goods, the mafia orders ships to stop on the way and not to dock at the port, which violates the process of supply and distribution of these products in the country,” he said.

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